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Writing has threaded its way through my life; surfacing over the years in different formats, from creating fantasy scenarios for my younger brother to play with, to spending twenty years writing, recording and performing music. Heavily influenced by the nineties Seattle music scene, I feel my writing is embroiled with grungy streaks from that era.

Now my creative outlet has surfaced in the form of my first novel; The Veil Trap. Set in my childhood home of the Yorkshire Countryside, I travel back to my youth,and tell a story of awakening, played out in the setting of my grandmother’s home and surrounding rugged countryside.

This novel is greatly influenced by my passion for the metaphysical and spiritual fields, which has been present throughout my life. But as I found at a younger age, an overzealous imagination can make company that could match my enthusiasm for tales of ufo’s, aliens, life on far-off planets or mysteries of the paranormal, difficult to find.

These interests resurfaced again in adulthood, bringing a deeper understanding of life events and experiences, entwining my beliefs with writing, albeit now dressed up in pantomime clothes.

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